Saturday 13 September 2014


DAY 3 @ PARIS                                                                      (SATURDAY) 12 SEPTEMBER 2014

For day 3, the itinerary is basically antiquity style buildings visiting and also museums visiting. Both historical and modernism. 

8.30am (Paris time) we set off for grocery shopping at Casino Supermarket just right beside Park and Suites Hotel. This is a good place to grab our breakfast in cheaper price which is around 3 - 6 euros.

The Casino Supermarket.
Well this is not the "casino" that we meant gamble place. Haha surprisingly.

The place where you can look for tidbits and good bites to temporary fill in your empty stomach.

One thing that caught my attention in the supermarket is the Auto pay machine. You can just grab your stuff that you wanted to buy and sweep over the scanner to scan for the price and insert the money into that machine as paying. This is to prevent long queue during peak hour.  Plastic bags are provided at a side where you can put your stuff in it after paid. I was wondering how if the person is not intend to pay for the stuff but stealing it and putting it directly into the plastic bag ? Hmm... this might be happened if Malaysia has this kind of machine, right? 

Walking on the pavement at the street. The ground is full of Autumn leaves. This reminds me of the lyrics of Taylor Swift's song - "autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place". The sun shines up bright on top but the air was cold. This is to describe the weather at there. Feeling refreshed and delightful.

walking on the street

autumn leaf - the first time ever I seen autumn leaf in my life

Beautiful scenario on the way walking to the Louvre Musuem

Baroque style building ? Decorative with exquisite sculptures 

Well, I noticed that the buildings in Paris are so decorative and mostly in light colour (eg, white and grey). Romanesque , Baroque and Rococo architecture style buildings can be seen everywhere. & I wonder how many windows they have in a building @@

                              THE NOTRE DAME CHURCH de PARIS 
The GOTHIC STYLE OF BUILDING we have learnt in History 2 class !!!

Gargoyles watch over on top of the roof

Huge Rose Window & Pointed Arch Entrance - as the symbolic of Gothic Architecture elements

Flying Buttresses

The building is full of details ornamental carvings

this church so much !  I have always wanted to see this church after the history class we learnt about the gothic style archtiecture. This is the most sacred and most heavenly beautiful church I have ever seen !!

While walking, walking and walking, we finally reached The Love Lock Bridge. The Bridge where you can lock your love one in Paris. There is a tradition of couples writing their names on the padlock and lock it on the bridge, fence or gate which symbolize their love, and the key is thrown away to symbolize unbreakable relationship. This is where the romance happens and is the best place for couples to have their rendezvous  

Different kind of fancy padlock 

The biggest heart shape padlock I have seen on the bridge. Aww this is sooooo sweeeet 

Our next station is the Louvre Musuem. It's 15 minutes walking distance from Love Lock Bridge. The Louvre Museum is housed in Louvre Palace, which is a massive building with huge columns, sculptures and windows. It is one of the world's largest museum and historic monument.
The Exterior view of The Louvre Palace
While entering through the front door, there is a huge glass modernist pyramid right in front of us. Which is a diverse architecture style with the  Louvre Palace. There will be the main entrance into the Louvre Museum. 
The Louvre Pyramid. Can you believe that it is actually an entrance to the underground of the museum ?

The lower floor is basically a series of ornamental sculptures and statues display

Eagle sculptures on the wall

Eve's statue

Concrete Spiral Staircase

heavenly beautiful ceiling carving and painting

Level 4 is full of portraits and  paintings
We are so lucky that we managed to see the best-known WORLD MASTERPIECE OF ART
- THE  MONA LISA portrait by ancient Italian  artist, Leonardo Da Vincci
It seems to be a private painting because it is nicely placed on a wall and carefully framed inside a glass panel. The size of that art piece is the way smaller than I expected. Hmmmm......

Well so many people queueing up before me just to capture the smile of Mona Lisa
Our next station will be Centre Georges Pompidou - the modern art museum designed by the partners of 3 architects - Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Gianfranco Frachini.

I can't believe that we were actually walking all the way from the Louvre to Centre Pompidou without taking metro. I was considered unlucky as I was actually wearing a new pair of shoes that eventually bite my feet the longer I walk. It's not the comfortable shoes choice that could brought up for vacation seriously. That's why I was the way slower than the others and it seems like I was actually following at the back of the people. I barely feel my foot after a long journey of walking. 

The exterior view of Centre Pompidou which is a massive steel structure.

                         The structural elements of the buildings are actually based on color-coded. 
Blue ducts for climate control of the buildings
green pipe are plumbing
yellow  duct for electric wires
red for safety fire extinguishers
The staircase is overhang in position by the steel rods. No columns supporting it underneath. That's cool.

Ticket counter to purchase the tickets

While waiting for our leaders to purchase  entrance tickets, we were resting around the the lobby area by randomly sitting on the floor just for resting our feet temporary. For me this isn't a good way as all the Parisians passed by gave us a strange look and we might give an impression of homeless people to them. But to be honest I really wish to rest my feet for just few minutes. We were extremely exhausted. 
Escalator going up

And we were inside of Pompidou Centre

Funky artpiece made by recycled materials
A series of modern art that I don't even know the meaning

A series of installation and lighting

The artworks in Pompidou Centre are the way so different in style from what we could see in The Louvre Museum as the exhibits the masterpieces mainly for thought-provoking and mostly based on modernism It's hard for me to understand all of the paintings as the description are in France. So we just quickly gone through whatever we could before the closing time. 
 That's all for Day 3. Good Night :)

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