Thursday 11 September 2014


Hello. It's time to update my blog to let my beloved readers to read about our 11 days Minor Culture Experiencing Trip in Europe ( Paris & London )
Let's begin with ......


Done packing with my luggage on that morning. Successfully packed all the necessary stuff in it. Ms. Sharmila said that our luggage shouldn't exceed 15kg each person. Oh well... I did it. It's 9kg :) This luggage is my personal luggage which has been following me to many places before like Hongkong, Macau, Bangkok etc. Now I'm bringing "her" to Europe country for the first time ! I couldn't describe how excited and happy I am, but this is the first time I'm travelling to foreign countries full with "ANGMO" !!!

How i stuff my stuff into my lovely red luggage.

Arrived in KLIA at 3,30pm which is 2 hours earlier than the check-in time. Surprisingly huh.

The exterior view of KLIA building.

Information counter in KLIA. 

                                                            Finally, It's check-in time !!
    We were queueing up to check in our luggage and get our flight tickets.

7.45pm : Departure from Malaysia by taking Emirates flight, which is the airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and also the largest airline in Middle East. We are actually taking a transit flight with a stop over at Dubai International Airport for 6 hours before flying off to Paris. This is my first time experiencing Emirates flight. The interior of the air plane is AWESOME! Emirates is the first airline that introduce a personal entertainment system on commercial aircraft.  The facilities they provided in the aircraft : Touchscreen TV attached on the back of front seat, headset, blanker and a small pillow. The seat is quite comfortable with well-designed seat with headrest and seat belt.

My first time fly with EMIRATES !
Touchscreen TV attached on the back if front seat.
(Entertainment including movies, music,games etc & remote control provided also) 

Blanket and small pillow provided as well :) 

Food provided on flight taste so good! There is unlimited supply of food. All you need to do is press the call button for the stewardess.  The food provided is taste extremely different with the Airasia flight I have ride before which basically providing local food like Nasi Lemak, roti canai etc. Not sure which kind of food the Emirates flight provided but it taste like some sort of Fushion style of Western and Asian food.

First meal on flight : salmon fish with some side dishes. It taste delicious.

                                          Finally landed in Dubai International Airport.
The interior of Dubai Airport - the long steel high columns 

The huge lift I have ever seen.

Creative futuristic information counter

The transparent public telephone stand

The most comfortable chair in the airport. Feeling so relaxing sleeping on it. How I wish  Emirates aircraft did provide this kind of sitting chairs :/ 

After 3 hours of resting, we proceeded to the boarding gate and boarding to the next flight. Next station will be PARIS !!! I seriously hoping that we could arrive in Paris in just a blink of eyes.... 7 more hours to go. That kind of torturing yet exciting feeling sitting in the cramped plane space >.<

                                            Arrived in Charles de Gaulle, Paris Airport.
The exterior facade view of Paris Airport
Our first station will be Paris Eiffel Tower ! After we passed through custom gate and claimed our luggage, we directly took the Roissy Shuttle bus (Les Cars Air France ) from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Champs Elysees Station. The bus brought us around the city centre and we are able to have the first glance of Paris city before our tour begins. 

Platform 2 to Champs Elysees

Once we got down from the bus, we have begun a series of  "Amazing Race" live show. All of us have to carry our big heavy luggage and backpacks, and started to run for the metro station to catch up for the next train to the Bir-Hakeim station, which is the nearest station to Eiffel Tower. 

We finally arrived at Eiffel Tower at 1pm. I can't believe that I am actually standing underneath the great Eiffel Tower !! THIS IS LIKE DREAM COMES TRUE ❤ 
I have always dreaming that one day in future,  I could be in Paris with my love one during my honeymoon. Well, my dream partially came true, but this time it's happening with my coursemates and lecturers haha. 

Non-stop selfie-ing with coursemates and lecturers 
This place is crowded with tourists and visitors. Seeing people of different races. Feeling so unsual and yet excited looking at this scene. The common scene in Paris - we can see lovely hugging/kissing couples everywhere, which is so strange to Malaysians and yet we feel so embarrassing looking at them. O.O
A conclusion comes out on my mind : European are bold and open-minded
 There are some random salesmen walking around and trying to sell the cute Eiffel Tower souvenir keychain to the tourists. 

The scene below Eiffel Tower

The detailing of the steel frame of Eiffel Tower has amazed me.  I have simply googled about how Eiffel Tower were built. This building is actually designed by an engineer named Gustave Eiffel. 
This is truely a masterpiece of the architecture world - the heart of Paris ❤ Paris will definitely loses its identity without this masterpiece of iron structure. 

How Eiffel Tower were built up in the pass.

Construction scene captured in the past

                                                    The different view of Eiffel Tower !! 

It's our turn to go up to the Eiffel Tower. We were unable to go up to the highest floor because the tickets were sold out. The hydraulic lift system get us up to the second floor.

Montee (France) means Going Up

OMG the view of Paris City from the top of Eiffel Tower ! A breath-taking scenario  !! I can't stop "WOW-ING" where we can glance over the beautiful scenery view of Paris City ! *excited to the max* I can feel the cold breeze blowing on my face and my hair flying up !

The stunning view of the Palais de Chaillot from top of Eiffel Tower

The view of city centre where we can see the river 

The buildings in Paris are mostly painted in white ????
Group phot with Eiffel Tower

Had our first meal in PARIS after Eiffel tour- Cheese and Ham Omelette. The food is so pricey as we had our first meal in a proper restaurant nearby Eiffel Tower. It took me about 15 euros per meal. But fortunately it taste delightful :)
Cheese and Ham Omelette with sparkling water
 The Sparkling water
( flavoured plain water)  taste like salt water which is so awful for me) 
We took the metro train from Bir-Hakeim station to Villejuif- Leo Langrange station which is just right outside our accommodation at The Park & Suites Hotel.

Park and Suites Hotel 

We were so grateful to see the beds after the long walking journey of the day. Finally we can have a nice rest. 

The interior look of our hotel room

It's still hard to believe that we were actually in Paris. which is so much far away from our hometown, Malaysia. The timez one is 6 hours earlier than in Malaysia. 11.30pm in Paris =  7.30am morning in Malaysia. Imagine my family were waking up and get ready for school and work.

Can't wait to continue our next tour in Paris and explore more about the culture and architecture in Paris
So... good night peeps :D 
Bonne nuit means Good night :) 

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