Tuesday 29 July 2014

Communication & Visualisation ( Viscom )

Hi everyone, I'm here to update my blog again. In this subject of Viscom, students are required to learn Rapid Visualisation.

Rapid Visualisation ( rapid vis ) - is a technique used by graphic artists to create a drawing of a concept in several stages. The purpose of rapid vis is to take an idea from concept to accurate rendering without having to start over from scratch each time an edit or alteration is desired.

Assignment 1 - draw a Rapid Vis to visualise ourselves.

This is the first drawing I have produced, but sadly the method I used was WRONG because I failed to get the meaning of Rapid Vis at first thought. Instead, I draw out something abstract and metaphor to symbolise my characteristics as a reflected swan. >.< ( too bad )

Assignment 2 ( Homework ) - draw something visualise your chosen animal in Design 03 Studio class.

Oh well, the animal I have chosen in Peacock ! Still I did it WRONG again because I was still trying to figure out what is meant by Rapid Visualisation by Ms Norji - lecturer of Viscom subject. I draw out the feather train of peacock to SYMBOLISE peacock but not VISUALISE.

Thankfully, Ms Norji never gave any bad comments about my works but she was trying to input more knowledge about rapid vis to us but teaching us the TIPS TO PRODUCE VISUALISE DRAWING :) Yeahh !!

Ways to produce Rapid Vis drawing :
1. THUMBNAILS- small ideas of sketches e.g characteristics, features
2. VALUE- highlight important or unique feature
3. KEYWORDS- short and simple words 
4. ARROWS- as notation 

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